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Human rights in the West
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[quote]I understand that there are different levels of it happening all over the world, and few can be blameless, it's the hypocrisy of it all that dumbfounds me. Or is it simply ignorance?[/quote] It is the former, actually. I think that people just shove it out of their mind as long as their life is relatively comfortable, they tend to not want to think about the conditions that others may be living under. Is it hypocritical? Certainly. Perhaps many feel powerless to do anything about it (or at least that is how they justify their inaction, or even non-thinking). I think Pink Floyd said it best : "Comfortably numb" That said, I am as guilty as any other, although I have done what I can to affect the world and the things in it that I find offensive. I can now say in hindsight, that my actions were not always well thought out, and often the consequences of them resulted in the opposite of what I was trying to accomplish. I can say that I was in the Military, and participated in that which eventually broke the Soviets, however small that may have been. I participated in a number of other operations, some rather successful, others horrifyingly disasterous. To that, I am not really sure that violence is always the answer. I think now that military solutions should be the last alternative, the last option, when all others are exhausted (except when the opposer does not give one any other options, that is, which is rare IMHO). As much as the recent history of the US pains me (the occupation of Iraq), I still firmly believe that the best way to fight tyranny and suppression is by providing an example, and living it. It is my great hope that the US will return to that path, and forever leave the one that Mr. Bush put the world through. Though in the case of North Korea, I am not all that sure that there is any other option there except for a military one (though certainly South Korea is doing its best to find one). And I am quite sure that China would "not be amused" by any sort of military action there. I think that eventually, we will win the fight to bring human rights to all - though I think the path is stony and hard, and will take a lot of time. Of course, I am somewhat biased, as I believe firmly in the goodness in Mankind, as strange as that might sound. [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/397/]WebShaman[/url] | [i]The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities. - Sophocles[/i]
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