OZONE Asylum
Unraveling the secrets of the Big Bang
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That's just egoistic mumbo jumbo, hoping or believing that the brain is somehow beyond regular physics. [quote]We also do not know exactly at what level Thought (consciousness) actually affects Physics.[/quote] Untrue, biochemical and electrical 'level', it's a well established, sound theory that has been tested and proven. No need to invent stuff here. 'Consciousness' is just a big word for an incredibly complex system that is based on relatively simple principles. [quote]That it does at the Quantum level is a known[/quote] Untrue as well. It's a minority opinion not a sound, tested, proven etc theory. I can't call myself an expert but as far as I know there is no phenomena in brain that needs to be explained by quantum physics IMO the idea that because we can think and feel, the system behind this has to be somehow 'special' is just egoistic bs that is the root of all religion and thus evil. In science, the simplest theory that works is the best. Sorry, I hope I didn't offend you but I feel very strongly about those things. If you think you're right, show me the evidence.
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