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Gimp question
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Tks people :) CPrompt... all I do is tune the image up a bit, nothing too much and then crop to size. [url=http://www.handr.com.au/Asylum2/P7280703.JPG]Original image[/url] warning 3meg file! [url=http://www.handr.com.au/Asylum2/Charles_Kosta.xcf]Gimp file[/url] warning 14meg file!! resio I'll have to read that when I gotta lot more time... got a headache just reading the wiki page :D Arthurio... that's my prob; Gimp has a little slider to adjust the image size, but it looks like it changes the file size not the image size. I normally crop them in P/shop to 450x300 to post in my [url=http://originis.wordpress.com/]grandsons' blog[/url], which gives an acceptable result, but seems like Gimp doesn't work like that. If I set crop in Gimp it crops 450x300 [i]out[/i] of the image... I can't find out how to have that ?"elastic type" crop that ya have with P/shop where ya set the crop size and the just select an area. Boy... wish I hadn't had ta buy a new computer and then loose my P/shop disc and number... as you can see from the blog, I'm waaay behind... think I'll put in a bit more o/t , bute the bullet, and ante up for CS3 :rolleyes: :D [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/4221]lan[/url] on 09-15-2008 22:52)[/small]
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