OZONE Asylum
Photoshop Pong, Anyone?
Arthurio and Tao Play Pong in the Autumn
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Have you ever seen the sci-fi series "The Outer Limits" or "The Twilight Zone"? Well I feel like I've entered some kind of bizarre alternate "Photoshop doesn't work like it used to" universe. Everything on the surface looks the same but is not. For instance the colours on my CRAPOLA 20" V7 are mental. You know what the screen looks like at 800x600 256 colours? well when I get into colour chooser or save for the web dialogue boxes my colours are all blocky like that with halos of pixelated colour where there should be a smooth gradient. Also I can't resize any element inside Photoshop. When I select the move (or any tool) and to to Transform the curser changes to a hand....A HAND not the resize cursor that is normally there. I'm using an old 1.9 gig P4 with only 512meg of RAM here so I know that does not help but it was OK a couple of days ago. Arggh What to do?.... Flush the Cache? ....done Restart, clear the cache, and disable anything that is not totally necessary? ... done. Erm....what else? Re-install? I can't here, my disk is in my flat miles away...bugger! If you can wait Arthurio I'm going back to my place to-morrow so I should be able to finish my serve there. I'm not on the internet a my place though so it may take another day after that before I can use the library to upload my effort :) Sorry 'bout that. Tao minus Photoshop = glumsville. :(
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