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div#div# Another IE CSS Hack technique?
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[quote][b]poi said:[/b] Since you removed " [i]with the box model[/i] " from the second quote, I wonder how you suggest to make IE respect PNG transparency for instance.[/quote]IE 6? I probably wouldn't bother. [b]#coverShadow[/b] doesn't really need to exist; the images behind it must be made to spec anyways, you could just flatten the shadow on top of them and use one image... and having the images semi-readily accessible without the shadow effect inseparable is not particularly useful (though it could be in many other situations, like a gallery, etc., obviously). The shadows on the nav menus is a nice effect, but I doubt many IE 6 users would miss it, and you could probably get away with a dithering of gray and transparent pixels without many people noticing. You don't need to have that rule with the [b]behavior[/b] "property" inside an IE conditional comment regardless, though, of course - your CSS would show as not entirely valid according to the W3C CSS validator, but, well, it [i]isn't valid[/i] (whether the validator sees it or not), so that's fitting. I've never really heard of anyone complaining about a single CSS validator error over things like this, anyways. Usually people are eager to add as much proprietary nonsense as possible. You can always just put a comment beside it like "/* IE */" and then nobody can say 'your code isn't even valid, you're so ignorant', because it'll be undeniable you did it on purpose. Besides, if the "gods of CSS" Zeldman and WaSP don't use valid code (and don't even bother to hide it from the validators as you have), why should anyone else, right? :rolleyes: [quote][b]poi said:[/b] Do you say my site isn't valid XHTML 1.0 strict because of the conditional comment or there is something else ?[/quote]Just that. [quote][b]poi said:[/b] It would make a great entry in the FAQ if you could elaborate a bit on your suggestions about avoiding CSS hacks, conditional comments and what not.[/quote]Mmm.
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