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Time for some political non-sense
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I feel it important to point out that Palin and Biden don't really matter. People vote for the top of the ticket. No one cares about them. Which is not to say that we are right in not caring. Palin is particularly troublesome, given her propensity for political ignorance & her intended placement one 72 year old heartbeat away from the Oval Office. Biden is the Cheney of the Democratic party. He can do good or evil, it is up to Obama to strike him out one way or the other. There are those who think that McCain is a genius for capturing a VP who would be able to take those disenfranchised Hillary Clinton voters and move them into the McCain bloc. I cannot, in any reasonable state of mind, understand how an anti-choice housewife can sway liberal feminists to the party who does not like them in the work place. In any event, the debate on Friday night underscored how McCain's vote is always for more war. We are faced with the choice between a man who looks to the future, and one who dwells on the past. Also, Palin is OMFG NUTS. NUTS NUTS NUTS. CRAZYGONUTS. OMFG. Thank you. -[url=http://blog.brokenhattrick.com]S[/url]
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