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Time for some political non-sense
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I get my information from various internet news sites, cable news and local am radio. As usual I doubt the facts are in dispute but rather our views and conclusions that differ. http://www.nationalreview.com/ http://www.worldnetdaily.com/ http://www.foxnews.com/ http://news.bbc.co.uk/ http://www.townhall.com/ Larry Elder Laura Ingraham Dick Morris Bill O'Reilly Dennis Prager Cal Thomas George Will I particularly agree with Charles Krauthammer on the topics of US and world politics. You specifically wanted to know what was going on in the head of someone who likes her. Based on the issues I listed maybe you can tell me how I could possibly vote Obama/Biden? Believe it or not I really do try to understand where you're coming from, I so wish you could do the same for me. If you really want to then I'm more than happy to explain my views. I'm actually glad you posted this thread because I don't have much of a chance to discuss politics with people as I used to. WS, all I read was that you fell back to Obama/Biden as a lesser of 2 evils, but to me that's not supporting him that's just opposing someone else. What specifically can you point to that would make you a supporter of his campaign? If you were going to try to convince someone why he's good for America what would be your main points? . . . : [url=http://www.bugimus.com][img]http://www.bugimus.com/sigs/small-sig1.gif[/img][/url] : . . [url=http://www.bugimus.com/]Innervating Your Eyes & Mind[/url] : . . .
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