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Time for some political non-sense
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DL, I'm actually pretty cynical by nature so that side of me admits that politics is a pretty dirty and disgusting process. I do not believe McCain or Palin are some saviors going to solve all our problems. But I'm talking more right now as a partisan *within* the political process. As far as that goes the issues I listed are my main concerns. As far as actually being thrilled at choosing Palin I must admit I do like her a lot. Why? I look to the core of the individual, I look to the principles and character as much as I can discern from my vantage point. When I look at Obama, I see arrogance and naivete. When I look at Palin, I see strength of character and the makings of an actual leader. The fact that she holds conservative ideals assures me that she would use the right thinking when making important decisions. Of course I am concerned about her lack of experience but that has to be balanced by what the alternative is. Are you concerned by Obama's lack of experience? Is it just a question of a lesser of 2 evils for you? Are there any specific things that you like about his proposals? And as far as all of this hype that the left drags up about her, you don't hear me bringing up the crap the far right throws at Obama. It's political mud slinging and it's a waste of time. Now even if I bought into all that ridiculous hype I would still have to point out that we're talking about the president of the US where the overriding concern is the public policies that will be enacted and not whether these are nice people to work with or for. Neither Obama nor Palin are guilty of breaking any laws that I'm aware of. . . . : [url=http://www.bugimus.com][img]http://www.bugimus.com/sigs/small-sig1.gif[/img][/url] : . . [url=http://www.bugimus.com/]Innervating Your Eyes & Mind[/url] : . . .
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