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I'm just gonna go ahead and make a few blanket statements, like Bugimus. I feel it important to sum up my support of Obama in as few meaningful points as possible: [b]Taxes[/b]: I believe that Presidents almost never develop, and only in context lead, in the world of assigning tax burdens to the population. That said, I don't support a man who treats corporations as #1 and their employees as #2. Sure, companies are great, they give us money that we can turn around and give to other companies, but this chicken/egg complication, I think, is meaningless without the people. People will make companies if they want to--they don't stay away from it based on the taxes assigned to it. McCain wants to make it even easier to go ahead and make companies--great!--but he's opposed legislation regarding reform in the area of regulation at each and every juncture, up until very, very recently. Very St. Paul of him, really, to rail against it for most of his life, then at the very end when it's obvious he was wrong, oh, yes, regulation is important! [b]Foreign Policy[/b]: McCain is an old war hero who deserves our respect. He also flies off the handle. General after five-star general has come out against the very IDEA that McCain has his finger on "The Button." He was a maverick in the 80s and early 90s. Now he's a doddering old man who would just as soon bomb Iran than DISCUSS any policy initiatives. [b]Federal Spending[/b]: This country spends a lot of money. We should probably start trimming that. But McCain rails against earmarks as these evil, evil things--but earmarks are what give us new roads, new parks, new rec centers to give our otherwise unoccupied kids something to do while we're busy setting up new corporations to bleed consumers dry. Frankly, I don't want a situation where all beaches, all parks, all rec centers, all lovely strolls down a river are privatized and tickets are sold at just slightly above what we can afford. The places wherein we need to save money are NOT in those services (I use the word) that we have come to expect from the government. And McCain can preach all he wants--when push comes to shove, he has a proven track record of ignoring whatever the hell he promised before and going with whatever will get him the most payback. I'm not saying he's corrupt, but he has some definite clarity issues in this. And he even admits it. [b]Abortion[/b]: Roe v. Wade was a turning point in this nation's history, not because it allowed for the merciless approval of women in pain, but because it took the fingers of government OUT of private citizen's internal organs. I don't give a rat's ass if you're pro-choice or anti-choice: the discussion shouldn't even be had at the levels of government anymore. The law is decided. I can't believe that so-called "Christians" would lay all their beliefs on this one concept, but BLATANTLY refuse to acknowledge that "conservatism" DEMANDS that we maintain the clarity of the law, while the Republican belief of SMALLER GOVERNMENT that is LESS INVASIVE has been tossed to the wayside in an effort to curry favor with otherwise mindless drones who can't put two thoughts together without invoking their deity. [b]Supreme Court Nominations[/b]: The next President will be nominating one, perhaps two justices to this, the highest court in the land. The sorts of right-wing-nutjobs that McCain would likely propose (obviously not his actual choices, but those gathered by his High Council, peopled with the likes of Karl Rove and Abramoff) terrify me. Yes, let us introduce more gray areas to our Constitution, so that those who have good lawyers can get away with murder, while the rest of us can be easily and quietly silenced as terrorists. McCain was tortured for years in Vietnam, and yet his group thinks torture is just fine. [b]Sarah Palin[/b]: This woman terrifies me. If you think she's a valid candidate for ANYTHING beyond the lowest-tier of PTA situation in tiny towns, then you've completely forgotten what it is to lead. She's not your average conservative woman because she's not conservative! Let us create a theocracy here, and she can be your funny-hatted leader, that's fine. But until you tell me that to believe in anything other than Christianity is tantamount to treason, I will spend each and every dollar I ever get making sure she never, ever reaches the top tier of governing here in this country. Ignorant, flippant, and completely lacking in the gravitas that this post demands, I think her selection was nothing less than a SLAP in the face of every fiscally-conservative voter in this country. [b]Summation[/b]: If you think the past 8 years were just peachy keen, vote for McCain. It will be more of the same. Much more. New medical records indicate his chances of 10 year survival from today to be less than 60%, which means Palin could be sworn in as President. Her rigorous grooming as mayor of a tiny town in a state that is separated from us BY ANOTHER COUNTRY and then followed by a very short (yet scandal-filled) term as governor DO NOT CANNOT WILL NOT prepare her for any role in national politics. Moreover, the Republican party MUST LEARN that their party has fallen very, very far from the Barry Goldwater ideas to which I fervently subscribe. The government DOES NOT know how to run your life better than you do. It should be there to support you with your goals, picking you up, to any extent it can, when you fall, because this is good for the country. It is patriotic to pay taxes. It is patriotic to join the military. It is patriotic to start a new business. Those are the core values of the Republican party. But do they really believe it? - The Republican party wants to lower taxes across the board, with the richest 10% getting the biggest break. - The Republican party loves war, and the economic burst we get from it, but how can you run a war if you have no exit strategy, no interest in a lasting peace, and no viable alternative to bombing a country back to the stone age just because you're afraid of a theocracy that looks an awful lot like the one you want to install here in this country? - The Republican party wants you to start a business, and succeed. And it seems that they want you to do this at the expense of any employee you may ever get. Strike-busting, and off-shore HQs are all too common; if taxes are patriotic, and business-building is patriotic, why the move to the Bahamas with your HQ, and your employees all living in Delhi? No, the GOP is in dire need of a Renaissance. And they will get it when this country tells them, in a 60%+ voice, that their direction is WRONG WRONG WRONG for this, the country known as the freest place on Earth, the land of enchantment, the home of the brave. And to you Christians... You've had your time as a meaningful voting bloc. You can have your beliefs, and you can vote with them. But when you turn a national campaign into a "I'm more pious than you!" argument, you cheapen us all. You cheapen your faith. You cheapen your good words, your charity, your help, your God, your savior. You make it okay to put "<DEMOCRAT NAME> is a fatty" right next to "Jesus is great." Are you okay with that? Do you really want your savior to be invoked amid lies and statistics and misleading half-truths? Really? -[url=http://blog.brokenhattrick.com]S[/url] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/329]twItch^[/url] on 10-20-2008 18:57)[/small]
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