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Time for some political non-sense
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There is one thing that I would like to comment on, being that I am a Veteran. John McCain is not what I would consider a "hero" - and I served much longer than he did in actual combat, and never received most of the medals that he did. http://www.vietnamveteransagainstjohnmccain.com/mccain_post_card_word%5B1%5D.pdf That is his war record. Note that he only had 20 hours of actual combat time. Note that apparently, John McCain had problems flying and landing planes in one piece, apparently. Now, being a PoW is certainly not a nice thing to be, especially not in the hands of the North Vietnamese. One needs to remember here, that there were [b]MANY[/b] PoWs in the hands of the North Vietnamese - they were mostly not hailed as heroes. In fact, one of the things that McCain helped do is to BURY their records, as they were still PoWs. That is not the action of a "hero" to me. The documented FACT that he disobeyed the Military Code of Conduct is disturbing - certainly not the act of a "hero". Now, I know that torture and duress is not nice. But there it is. A hero would not have betrayed the Military Code of Conduct, not even under duress and torture. A hero would have worked hard and diligently to get EVERY LAST ONE OF OUR POWs BACK! I have met real heroes - recipients of the Medal of Honor (everyone has to salute a recipient of the Medal of Honor). The person in question received his Medal of Honor in the Vietnam war, where he was wounded 29 times, still manned the machinegun nest, and single-handedly drove back the Vietcong rush, loading and shooting the MG by himself, with all those wounds, and saved the rest of the platoon. That is a hero. He stayed in the military after serving two terms in Vietnam, and now does training for recruits. [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/397/]WebShaman[/url] | [i]The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities. - Sophocles[/i]
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