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DL, nobody's record is perfect. When you run for public office the other side will always look for anything negative and do their best to trump it up. Yes, you bet there is a lot of hype. Me calling it hype does not mean that there aren't issues there but rather they have to be carefully judged as to who is alleging what and why. If we just read through http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarah_Palin we get an outline of some of the problems you point out. If you can tell me there is anything there that rises way higher than a typical candidates profile during a nasty campaign bid then I'll be the one who is shocked. Do I like the ethics violation? No. Am I comfortable with it? Yes, if we're talking about electing someone to higher office. Why? Because I'm very practical when it comes to politics, I am NOT an idealist. Take Clinton as an example of ethics violations in higher office, I do not think his actions disqualified him to be president of the US. I don't approve of his personal behavior nor any other politician who crosses the line, but I am far more concerned with public policy than their personal lives. (edit: now you show me someone who breaks the law and then I'm coming down hard... that's why I would have given Clinton a pass on the sexual harassment but couldn't when he upgraded to perjury) So you asked me then about public policy issues. I need to read more about the trampling of native American rights. From what I understand from what I've read so far she wanted to expand commercial hunting and fishing. Do you have a good link for this allegation? The book banning thing most certainly looks to be hype. What books were banned? Or is the charge that she [i]wanted[/i] to ban them? I know how you feel about religious conservatives, is it possible you're prejudices are making more out of this charge than the facts support? In regards to Obama. I hope for his sake that he does care about the country. I actually have no reason to believe otherwise. What I do know is that our people have been hurt deeply over the years by well-meaning left wingers. So while I don't question there good intentions I do worry about the policies they support and the problems they're likely to cause. I want to clarify more the arrogant charge. Do you not find his comments about certain Americans clinging to their guns and religion to be condescending? Also, I've heard commentary that on a personal level he comes across as arrogant. That was why I mentioned that. The naivete I worry about with him is based on his total lack of foreign policy experience. Just as with Palin the lack of experience is the concern but with him I worry because of his principles. Since I very much disagree with his left wing perspective I worry about the decisions he'll arrive at when he's first faced with serious challenges on the global front. Which brings me to this, I would be interested to know what you think of Biden's latest pronouncement and whether or not you think an Obama victory would somehow invite a national crisis: http://elections.foxnews.com/2008/10/20/biden-obama-tested-world-months-administration/ twItch^, I had no idea you were a Goldwater conservative. Believe it or not I do agree to some degree that the Republican party has really screwed up the last few years... shoot! ran out of time for this morning... . . . : [url=http://www.bugimus.com][img]http://www.bugimus.com/sigs/small-sig1.gif[/img][/url] : . . [url=http://www.bugimus.com/]Innervating Your Eyes & Mind[/url] : . . . [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/16]Bugimus[/url] on 10-21-2008 16:16)[/small]
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