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Time for some political non-sense
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None of the above, that's all I can really say at this point. Will likely vote for 3rd party (Nader is the only one on the ballot in PA), hopefully the economy has not totally tanked by then and Bush does not declare martial law using one of the emergency powers he has declared in his signing statements and exec orders. http://www.salon.com/opinion/greenwald/2008/09/24/army/index.html And I agree totally about Palin. Her interview last week with Couric...WTF...have we really sank this far? The VP debates this Thursday should be a good laugh. In the end, I really see no difference between the two establishment candidates. I know people are hopeful on Obama, I just don't see his interventionist foreign policy as any different than McCain's interventionist foreign policy and neither of them can fix the economic woes that are facing us without cutting back drastically. The empire must end and America must grow used to being just another country. In the long haul, if we pull through, it's for the best.
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