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Time for some political non-sense
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WS, it's always good to double check sources, no prob there. Here's a phone interview Dr. Kissinger did stating the same thing I quoted: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeCFiW_3zoo I pretty much agree with your assessment of the different groups in America. I do agree that it's easy to get into the Right vs. Left, us vs. them mentality. Yes, there's the hardcore Right and Left with a healthy group of centrists who are to be swayed either way given any election. I also agree with the melting pot analogy but there's one critical ingredient that needs to be stressed, we all submit our differences to our unity. In other words we unite under the banner and ideals of America so that we stand strong as one people. There have been many countries with varied cultures but what makes ours so special is we are Americans first. I think as long as we can continue to hold that concept dear we'll do well. ...I want to respond to the spending topic as soon as I get chance (so much less time these days to post :( )... . . . : [url=http://www.bugimus.com][img]http://www.bugimus.com/sigs/small-sig1.gif[/img][/url] : . . [url=http://www.bugimus.com/]Innervating Your Eyes & Mind[/url] : . . .
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