OZONE Asylum
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There Are Two Irreconcilable Americas
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WS, I have no idea why you are so suspicious of the author because he isn't hiding nor intending to veil anything. Dennis Prager is a JFK liberal who stayed in that mode which meant he had to become a Republican in the 80s and 90s as the Democrat party swung ever leftwards. He is a very reasoned and clear thinker. He's exactly the kind of person we could all have a civil and honest debate with so I beg you to not judge so harshly and so hastily. In like manner I'm wondering what you mean by "interesting". I have always felt that left and right in this country wanted the same results at the end of the day. But lately I am really thinking that is not the case and what we are actually witnessing is a new form of civil war. Certainly, we're not talking fighting in the streets but I do think there is a war of culture actually underway and it may get uglier over the next few decades before it gets resolved. Trust me I really hate this possibility but I thought it would be interesting to see what others are sensing. Arthurio, thanks very much for that reply that was really insightful. I hope to respond more specifically soon. . . . : [url=http://www.bugimus.com][img]http://www.bugimus.com/sigs/small-sig1.gif[/img][/url] : . . [url=http://www.bugimus.com/]Innervating Your Eyes & Mind[/url] : . . . [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/16]Bugimus[/url] on 10-22-2008 02:09)[/small]
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