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Philosophy and other Silliness
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While interesting, I think the real reason these "differences" pop up is because most do not realize the tricks the eye plays with shadow, light and darkness. One can clearly see this type of play in Photoshop, for example, when playing with the Channels. In the case illustrated in the link, one tends to see the features of Obama as more prominent, because of the bigger differences in shadow and highlights, mainly due to the darker skin tone. Especially the teeth and gums stick out - and another good example are the eyebrows, which tend to turn into a large, black smear (due to the lack of contrasting colors). Same goes with the ears. The human eye tends to lump darker areas into "bigger", whereas lighter tones seem "smaller". Detail is also harder to discern, when the tones are nearer to one another, without stark contrast. Especially in a very dark face (I use Aborigines of Australia here as an example), only the eyes seem to stand out, making them seem to stare at one (because there is a large lack of other details for the eye to notice). Since the white contrasts very stark against the otherwise black and detail-poor facial background, the eyes appear to be bigger, and stare at one. The same goes for white teeth on the background of black gums. And staring is often considered an aggressive posture. It certainly puts the one being stared at in a sort of "alarm" state. [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/397/]WebShaman[/url] | [i]The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities. - Sophocles[/i]
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