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So... the Unites States have elected a president.
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[quote] [b]Bugimus said:[/b] DL, no deep divide on that issue eh? There's just another example of something that has no chance of people "coming together" over. Please tell me you're not suggesting that there aren't profoundly compelling arguments on both sides of that issue. [/quote] I wasn't suggesting that, but that is precisely what I will say. I have seen absolutely no hint of a compelling argument in support of banning gay marriage. And yes I mean that very much, very seriously, and very simply. [quote] [b]Bugimus said:[/b] No theocratic nutbags? There was never a chance of that Now you just have two theists in there which surely is less than ideal in your estimation. [/quote] Well there would have been at least one! There is just no denying that Palin fits the bill for that one... Less than ideal? Perhaps... But I have no delusions that suddenly theism will disappear, and no qualms with our president being one. Having personal beliefs that I find silly, and feeling that you have the obligation and right to push them onto others are staggeringly different things... [quote] [b]jade said:[/b] dl..how could the voted marriage ban actually hurt so much? people choose not to marry and live together all the tiem and still are happy.They can still marry. [/quote] You answered your own question Jade. People [b]CHOOSE[/b] to live together and not marry. Other people choose to marry but are not allowed because of people who feel they have the right to tell them they cannot. How would you feel if you were told that you and your husband would not be allowed to marry, because such a marriage was seen as wrong in the eyes of someone else's religion?? Think that sounds absurd? Then you understand how your arguments sound... But yes....as Bugimus said, the topic deserves its own thread. If either of you feel like discussing further, start one up and I'll gladly join in.
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