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So... the Unites States have elected a president.
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DL From what I see in today?s trend, I believe your utopia of a secular establishment in society will never come to pass. Obama, will not be able to achieve or implement secularism in the mainstream even in his 4 or 8 year term(s). For the reason that he is a Christian. My viewpoint in this proposition 8 is of a theological perspective in regarding keeping the foundations of family in our society protected. I know you would never be able to see my view because you believe in no God. You understand me, you just don?t see the world with my eyes. Because of the recent strong state wide massive approach in protecting the traditional marriage, many crossed denominational lines to come together to over-turn the supreme court?s decision to allow same-sex marriage in one state. The majority of Americans do not want same-sex marriage to be allowed nationwide. I believe this was a wake up call and a start of an organized opposition that will grow to a giant goliath. The will of the people was spoken aloud in their vote. Can you respect their vote as you would respect a woman?s right to choose? Sure, gay persons want to be treated like good persons and I believe in this wholeheartily, but the push by them to accept that the committed relationship they espouse is equal to the one I share with my husband is irrational and really silly in nature. They are living in a dreamscape. Can they procreate by coming together to produce an entity of love by their union? No. This is what a real marriage is. Now..if they want to go to a civil union and pretend they are married ?ok. Let them act like married persons. Why go the trouble of marrying in a religious ceremony? It makes a mockery of a marriage blessed by a God. Can a gay marriage ever be a holy one? No. Never. Because the definition of ?holy? is to be faithful by imitating the good of God in all its fullness. Two men having sex (yuck) and imitating married life is so opposite and very un-holy. Many believe that because we define marriage as man/woman commitment, they think of us as bigots.. This is so far from the truth in more ways that one, but we also base our beliefs in biology. Keeping marriage a traditional man/woman union is a good for society. If we look back at history in the Roman era of ancient times, we see the Roman elite masters having sex with their male servants and it was rampant. It got so bad that, the existing Cesar had to make a proclamation against it for the good of Roman society because the men forgot about the women. And desired only men. Is it false to proclaim that children are better off in a stable environment with a mother and father? Or are they better off with two male partners? Would two male partners teach them how to imitate a love between spouses in the communal way? I don? think so.
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