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So... the Unites States have elected a president.
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I want to personally thank each and every American that made this possible. I also want to offer a hand to those who did not, across the aisle. Now is the time to put aside our differences and work together, as a nation, to fix those problems we are now having, and to face the challenges that are surely coming. [quote]Boy, how's he ever gone life up to the expectations floating around though?[/quote] Well, no doubt about it, expectations are high. He knows it. One thing going in his favor (aside from the Popular vote and the overwhelming Electorial victory) is the gift that America has given him - majorities in both House and Senate. This I consider a mandate for Obama to actually be able to accomplish things, instead of having to battle Congress to do it. The rest will depend on who he picks for what positions in his Staff and Cabinet. Considering the race that he ran, the organization and the skill involved, I think he has a good idea who is going to be offered what. It remains to see who actually accepts which offer. If Obama brings the right people in the right positions, with the mandate that the American people have handed him in the Congress, then despite the massive problems and hurdles facing America, I believe that he will lead us out of our present difficulties. I think this is a very positive thing for both America and the world. Now let us bask in this moment of history. [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/397/]WebShaman[/url] | [i]The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities. - Sophocles[/i]
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