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So... the Unites States have elected a president.
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Well, let's start with this [quote] [b]DL said this:[/b] No (theological) nut bags in the white house![/quote] I have to agree with Bugimus. Just a different theology and one that's trying reduce the entire world to it's belief system. Have you studied Obama's history? Spent some years being educated in radical islam it seems. Could we have a sleeper cell in the White House? Don't choke DL, they are serious questions. On another subject: has anyone noticed that Obama does not respect the flag of his own country? Or is it really his country...is this guy really for America or is he for himself? His psychology has been called narcissistic, the same as Adolf Hitler. This stuff is in the news and on the web. Is anyone even researching what they elected? Does anyone care who's in office, as long as it isn't Bush? Look back...see any really excellent presidents since Lincoln? Maybe the fact that he will move to immediately disarm Americans doesn't move you. Maybe you don't care about your rights as an American. Hitler disarmed Germany in the 7th step of his 10-step plan. Are you ready to serve the master? Do you think we deserve it? Or are people just short-sighted enough to not care about what is coming over the next 20 years. Or maybe he's really an OK guy because he will spit on all the bodies of dead American soldiers who actually believed that this country, and the freedom they have, is worth fighting for. To me it was a sad day. America just took a turn for communism and our enemies are cheering. They are cheering because we will become just like them. We will become like them because America has chosen selfishness over compassion. Please don't make the bumper sticker claim that America helps others because of the resources it can steal. It doesn't wash back through history. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/870]Allewyn[/url] on 12-10-2008 02:08)[/small] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/870]Allewyn[/url] on 12-10-2008 02:21)[/small]
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