OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
So... the Unites States have elected a president.
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I'm surprised by the energetic denial but not disappointed. If you don't like what I say, read this, from an independent: [url]http://www.theobamafile.com/ObamaLatest.htm[/url] Let the parties begin huh? No more rules. Let's stop the killing in Iraq but kill people before they're born and when they become inconveniently old. You want to stop the killing? Then stop the killing. Let's guarantee freedom of religious expression as long as it isn't about God or love. Make sure everyone knows THAT religion is about hating. What crap. I'm not even a Christian but it makes me sick to see people insist on their rights while denying others the same rights. Much better is the religion of ignorance, because we can all be comfortable, and do whatever we like even if it hurts others. Let's promote freedom of speech as long as the speaker says what we like. It's so sad to watch this country willingly self-destruct. What happened to the America I grew up in? All it is now is one SIG or another crying llike mewling infants that they have been insulted in some way. The America I believe in has the same rights for all. To think I fought for your rights to speak openly, when you will not honor mine. But I guess this is the right place for this. The asylum. People are crazy enough to believe Islam will leave us alone if we leave them alone. Unwilling to look at the connection this president has. A president that couldn't run a state having financial problems and abundant crime. A president that repeatedly failed to provide documents. You've to be kidding. BUT maybe he will be such a loser people will come back to their senses. I've lost mine. I'm not able to handle the destruction of my country from the inside. Yes, I'll go back to solitary. But you ought to be ashamed of yourselves for promoting the very hatred you say is wrong. Wonder what you'll say to that...
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