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So... the Unites States have elected a president.
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Sorry for not replying sooner... [quote] [b]Jestah said:[/b] @Arthurio Did you actually look at Sen. Obama's voting record? You seem to be touting it as a strong point but I can only conclude you didn't actually look at it. This has nothing to do with political ideologies. He just doesn't have a voting record - unless "Not Voting" appeals to you. Edit: As a point of reference, in the last 100 votes he voted "Not Voting" 80 times. It doesn't seem to improve too drastically as I glance at the next 100 votes. [/quote] At least provide sources when you claim something: http://projects.washingtonpost.com/congress/110/senate/vote-missers/ http://projects.washingtonpost.com/congress/109/senate/vote-missers/ I'd say that 46.3% missed votes is not something to be proud of but yes I have examined Obama's voting record and I have done the same for Mc Cain. Please notice that in the 110. Senate the biggest vote missers are either presidential candidates or were hospitalized for a long time. Then look at the numbers for 109. Senate. [quote] [b]Allewyn said:[/b] Arturio: you believe CNN tells the truth? [/quote] Most of the time: Yes. I don't watch/read it that often though. I get my news from a multitude of sources and try to piece the truth together myself to the best of my ability. Everyone is at least a little biased either one way or another ... unfortunately there's no such thing as completely unbiased media.
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