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So... the Unites States have elected a president.
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[quote]Boy, how's he ever gone life up to the expectations floating around though?[/quote] I think the honeymoon will be very short indeed once the weight of running this country comes down on him. I wish him godspeed all the same. The same-sex marriage issue deserves its own thread to be sure. DL, no deep divide on that issue eh? There's just another example of something that has no chance of people "coming together" over. Please tell me you're not suggesting that there aren't profoundly compelling arguments on both sides of that issue. No theocratic nutbags? There was never a chance of that :p Now you just have two theists in there which surely is less than ideal in your estimation. I too will honor Barack Obama as my president and pray for his success. I am now in the seat of the loyal opposition. I would be lying if I said I wasn't gravely concerned about his lack of experience and his left-wing policy proposals, but I truly hope he'll be able to do some good in his next 2 terms. . . . : [url=http://www.bugimus.com][img]http://www.bugimus.com/sigs/small-sig1.gif[/img][/url] : . . [url=http://www.bugimus.com/]Innervating Your Eyes & Mind[/url] : . . . [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/16]Bugimus[/url] on 11-05-2008 19:38)[/small]
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