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On gay marriage...
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I agree reisio. It seems to me that plenty of states allow 'Civil Unions' between members of the same sex (I could be mistaken) It's just the term marraige that gay couple have issues with. I always found 'Marraige' to relate to a religious contract between a man, woman, and god. I personally am in a civil union with my wife. I enjoy the same benefits/detrements as my other 'Married' friends. It seems that if gay couples want to be married they are fighting the wrong group of people. Its the church that disagrees with gays having institutional commitment to each other... the state(s) seem fine with it without calling it marraige... again I don't know how many states allow civil unions between same sex couples but it just seems that the word 'marraige' is not important enough to not have an institutional commitment to someone. Not that I'm so into institutional commitment... I'd like to think my wife knows I'm committed to her without a piece of paper that tells her so. Oh.. here is a list: From [url=http://www.ncsl.org/programs/cyf/samesex.htm]Here.[/url] GD
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