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On gay marriage...
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Well, so much for any of my questions ;) [quote] [b]jade said:[/b] First to all, I have to ask, ? can we agree, that if there is anything we know for sure, its that there is only one truth in all things in life and beyond in the cosmos? [/quote] Nope. Sorry...[quote] [b]jade said:[/b] Is there truth when two males come together intimately, that its called sex. Lets look at the definition of ?sex? from Webster. ...3 a: sexually motivated phenomena or behavior b: SEXUAL INTERCOURSE... How is a marriage consummated in a same sex marriage? Please elaborate. So here we can agree, when two men (or two women) come together its not considered what Webster or Oxford call ?sex.? So, can we agree what two men (or women) do erotically is not sex..If its not sex.,,,what do you call the act? Please elaborate anyone. [/quote] Ok, i think you may have some SERIOUS confusion Jade. Please explain to me how two men, or two women, engaging in "sexually motivated phenomena or behavior" or "SEXUAL INTERCOURSE" does not fit the definition of sex...when it is the definition of sex...that you posted...to support that it isn't sex....? :confused: I can point you to some good films that will demonstrate in very graphic detail if you'd like... ;) As for the rest of your argument jade, it seems to boil down almost completely to the raising of children, and the conception of children. So I have to assume then, you feel that heterosexual couples who conceive their children through the help of fertility clinics and surrogate mothers, or heterosexual couples who adopt children because they are unable to conceive are also "living a lie" and are "selfish people who handicap society"? And heterosexual couples who choose not to have children? They are liars who love themselves more than where they came from as well? Are we to ban all of these things? And once again I have to ask Jade...how many gay couples have you known? How much "patience, understanding, and love" have you put into trying to understand where they are coming from? Have you witnessed the damage that gay-marriage bans do to these loving couples? [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/163]DL-44[/url] on 11-07-2008 23:41)[/small]
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