OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
On gay marriage...
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[quote]In what way would allowing Homosexuals to marry affect you? [/quote] WS, seriously, you don't know!? Before you know it we'll have rampant polygamy, beastiality, pedophilia, and maybe even certain sects of humans who marry robots and other lifeless objects. Maybe even plants - I know I've had my eyes on this beautiful maple in my back yard for some time now. Eventually, you will have worldwide orgies in the streets, societal breakdown on a massive scale, all morals out the window. Without the guidance of God, the human race will ultimately devolve into uncaring and unthinking animals, and if we don't become extinct through the spread of evil, we will go extinct because nobody is breeding anymore . Aside from all that, if we allow gay marriage, then the terrorists win. Anyways, the fundamental problem is that some people just can't separate their mythology from reality nor emotions from rational thought. All I know is I can't wait for the Second Coming so Jesus can clear this shit up. Ram
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