OZONE Asylum
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On gay marriage...
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I just need to point out that all the homosex I've had has been remarkably enjoyable for all parties, including those watching live throughout the world, as well as those reading the transcripts afterward. I've received good marks for all my performances, with particular focus placed on my preference not to swear. That has improved my rating among suburban mothers. Anyway, jade, you're allowed to disagree. That's just great. But you do know you're gonna lose, right? This is the country that just elected a black man to the highest office in the land. That glass ceiling has been shattered. So, too, will this ceiling. It's coming, and our righteousness is justified and unrelenting. The more you fight, the more you help us remove the religious aspect from "marriage." The more you fight, the more likely it is that all these other marriages committed in the history of America will become "civil unions" instead of "marriages" because you made us remove absolutely all religious connotation from the ceremony. The more you fight, the more you cheapen your own unions (as though the ~60% divorce rate hasn't already done that). My indignation comes from a lifetime spent as a third-class citizen by the fundamentalists who escaped from Britain 200 years ago fleeing the yoke of oppression and rights handed out partially and to the wealthiest and most accepted first. Will I ever actually marry? I don't know, my personality isn't really one that too many people can stay with for too long. But I deserve the right to do so, should it come to that. What do you say to the thousands of gay couples whose marriages were just determined to be invalid? Suck it up? -[url=http://blog.brokenhattrick.com]S[/url]
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