OZONE Asylum
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On gay marriage...
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You really do not understand what living in a free society means Jade, after all these years. That's just sad. Seriously, if you truly want to change the world, try living by example rather than worrying about what other people are doing. It is none of your business, and from my interpretation of the NT, the core message was of [i]personal [/i]salvation, a philosophy to live [i]your [/i]life by, and it had nothing to do with FORCING [i]other people[/i] to live like you think they should. Maybe I missed the story about Jesus petitioning the Roman government to pass his morals on others, but I don't think so. Government is force, and you aspire to use that force for Chrsitianty, in your god's name? That's just not right... The brand of Christianity being practiced by many today in this country is driving more and more people away from your god. You may blame it on Satan or the ...cough..."liberal media", but it is because people are getting really sick and tired of self-righteous, judgmental, closed-minded people butting into their business and trying to dictate to them how they should live. It's bullshit and it has to stop. And if you want to talk about the degradation of society, let's examine the effects legislating morality can have. No, that never caused any harm. Do you really want to live in a theocracy? :rolleyes: Ram
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