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On gay marriage...
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Herein lies the difference between how we view people, Jade. I do not measure people by what i believe. I measure people by what THEY believe. If they cannot live to the standards they set for themselves... why on earth should I expect them to live up to mine. Your faith decrees that one should live their life like Christ and through Christ's sacrifice and grace you will be entered unto heaven. His is the way and the door and none shall come to me excpept through him. (paraphrased) Your [i]actions[/i] here in this thread and on this forum have shown a pattern of belief that includes intolerance of anything that does not fit into your biblical view of the world. You walk through these situations dropping statements and not answering questions that are directed at helping you view things more openly. Namely, how many gay couples do you know and also How does a gay couple being married do ANYTHING to you? Now to get down to the nuts and bolts of it... I do not condsider myself a follower of any religion so technically I am not a Christian. I do believe in the ideals of Christianity however. I don't really think you are going to hell. I don't believe in hell, or heaven for that matter. I believe those are gifts and punishments created to control the masses. The reality is, if you feel you've done wrong, YOU think you're going to hell. As I mentioned above, it does me no good to measure a person by my beliefs. The only true measure of a person is by what they believe and how they act on it. It appears to me that what you believe causes you to live out of harmony with others because you refuse to accept the differences between us. I don't agree with you. I don't hate you. I don't want you to live like me. I want you to live like Christ, as your beliefs should guide you to do. The only thing I am intolerant of are people who can't live in a world without shaping that world to their wants. If we just let it alone and lived life as we would, we would all get closer to that ethereal [i]'peace'[/i] thing we all claim to want. Well, damnit, if you act like you want to make the world that way... well... we just might accomplish something. Wouldn't that be a fine day when people get along despite their differences because what you believe just doesn't impact me at all and what I believe just doesn't impact you at all. What a fine day that would be. I strive for it, belive in it. I don't know if I'll witness it. Christ as an ideal... I don't think i'll ever be able to be that... but damnit I'm going to try and in trying I just might become a better person. This is what I hope for you and everyone, regardless of what you believe, live by it and may it help you be a better person. I think your hypothesis is interesting regarding the men/women aspect of acceptence of gays. I would agree that most men are more focused on gratification than emotion regarding sex. I think your hypothesis starts to break down regarding women not frequenting places such as brothels, cyberspace, etc. My reasoning is this... They don't have to. With a population of gratification hungry men they just need to be available. Women have always been in control of the 'free' relationship, they make the choice of what they want and when. Men just make it easy. While I don't know the demographic of men vs women accepting gays, I personally would think that more women would accept gays than men because they have suffered the intolerance of others and fought (are fighting) to overcome that intolerance. I would think they understand the want for equal rights and would accept and support those who were fighting to gain theirs. GD
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