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On gay marriage...
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man, jade... just wow. 1. So, just because Olbermann had an impassioned plea to his fellow man to treat each other with respect and decency, you think he is, if not actively, than passively or partially gay? I can't even begin to touch that one. 2. If you think homosexuality makes you spiritually bereft... holy crap, that's naive. First, look at most of the music produced for God in the past two thousand years. Many of those spiritual key-masters were openly gay, others it was recorded later they were. The great poets. The great literature of the world, often penned by gay men and women. 3. If you are so eager to pen my lifestyle into mere sexual gratification, I will do the same to you. Your lifestyle is cold, sterile, and meaningless. Your beliefs say that women are naught but baby factories--pleasure dumpsters for their male owners. You are ignorant of the world around you. Your beliefs exist outside the normal boundaries of evolution, and your kind will die off, pitiless and pointless. Your relationships are empty, and you are likely a homosexual. Yes, jade, you are likely a homosexual. I said it. You're gay. Totally queer. After all, if someone issuing a plea to his fellow man to accept gay people as people first and gay second means that person is gay, I'll take the opposite tack and say that if you violently oppose the acceptance of homosexuality in America, you're quite likely gay. Thankfully, I'm a much better person than you, so I will not cast you into the pits of fire and brimstone. Because your imaginary friend in "heaven" and his imaginary enemy in "hell" do not exist. Instead, I can treat you with the respect I give to all humans. But since you're clearly a blind, malicious bastard, I will add to that respect a healthy dose of mockery. You amuse me. You're an artifact of the Puritan lifestyle that first brought people to this country. You are a palimpsest, under whose modern words and turns of phrases can be found the scratches of ancient hatred and mistrust. You are a dying breed, a species not worth saving. Also, jade... you're gay. Most importantly, I'm lucky that I'm not an intolerant asshole like you. -[url=http://blog.brokenhattrick.com]S[/url]
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