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On gay marriage...
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Bugs, the reason that you will never convince me, and I will never convince you is summed up perfectly in what you said: "My faith is crystal clear on the subject of homosexuality." You worry about how much this will "hurt" society. That's because your faith is crystal clear. You know, from your Good Book, that my lifestyle is evil and wicked, and will bring down society. Unfortunately, there's just no evidence of that. Massachusetts continues to exist, to this day. Similarly, your Good Book tells you that the earth we live on is around 5,000 years old, may well be flat, and is at the center of the universe. Unfortunately, there are mountains of evidence to the contrary. But that doesn't matter to you, because your faith is crystal clear. And comparing this whole issue to abortion is fallacious at best. We're not talking about the definition of when life begins. Rather, we're discussing whether or not some people should be allowed to live their lives the way they feel best suits them. In much the same way as you're allowed to believe in a magical father figure who lives in the sky, I should be allowed to marry a goat if I so desire. Why is that? Because, at the end of the day, those choices do not impact anyone else's life. You can believe any number of fascinating things about fossils being created by God as a test of faith, or that people used to live upwards of 800 years at a time. You're allowed to think that Noah built a big boat on which he put two of each animal so that he could sail off during a flood that completely covered the planet. You're allowed to believe all that and more, because that's your God-given, government-supported right. I'm never, ever, ever, ever going to tread on your right to believe whatever you want. THE MOMENT that you transcend belief and put that into action, wherein you take your beliefs and push them onto MY world view... Well, that's when you've crossed your God-given, government-supported rights. You've taken a piece of my right to pursue happiness. You've infringed on my God-given right to live my life the way I choose, to exercise my own free will. And that, my dear friend, is when you exit the realm of faith, and enter the realm of fear-mongering. It is a very small step from saying [i]homosexuals should not be afforded the rights of everyone else[/i] to [i]Muslims are evil people and should be wiped off the face of the planet[/i], or perhaps, [i]enslaving the blacks is for their own good, as they lack the purity of the White Man[/i], and maybe just an inch away from [i]the Jews should be placed in camps where we can keep an eye on them[/i]. And I feel no shame in calling you out on it. Please, continue to think that a marriage I would enter into with another man is going to destroy the fabric of society. PLEASE. Continue to read your Good Book and derive great moral principles and elitist propaganda. Please, endure the slings and arrows of unbelievers. Shape your life by the stories told in your stories. That is my gift to you. You're welcome. Now, give me the same fucking rights. Just because I won't be reading the same book DOESN'T MAKE MY LIFE ANY LESS GOD-LIKE than yours. -[url=http://blog.brokenhattrick.com]S[/url]
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