OZONE Asylum
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On gay marriage...
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Suho, this is actually one of the reasons that the Christians get so worked up about the issue of marriage recognition. They firmly believe that if/when the government recognizes gay marriage, it is an infringement on their right to practice their faith, as they believe such a recognition is an attack on their fundamental belief structures. So, by recognizing the marriage, their own rights are being infringed upon. The solution, actually, is to merely STOP ALL GOVERNMENT RECOGNITION OF MARRIAGE. In so doing, all rights would be brought into alignment, and no one's faith can be considered harmed. Christians can continue to have Christian marriages, Muslims can continue to have Muslim marriages, Jews can continue having Jewish marriages, and the homosexuals can squeeze in wherever there are left-leaning parishes/synagogues/temples/churches/etc that wish to recognize their marriages. The government's involvement comes in if the pairing in question wants to have tax liabilities and end of life decision making powers, and all that sort of stuff--the truly civil actions. And for those, you just gotta have a certificate signed by a justice of the peace. And this is where Obama wants to take us, and this is where the Fundamentalists are pushing us, and this is the inevitable outcome. Unfortunately for those who are fighting it, this is going to remove a lot of the government sponsored recognition that they should have never received. But as the primary purpose of government is to protect the minority from the majority, this is just how things go. The powerful must give up certain things to the weak, the majority must accede to the minority. Without this balance, without this protection, we as a civilization fall. -[url=http://blog.brokenhattrick.com]S[/url]
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