OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
On gay marriage...
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[quote] [b]twItch^ said:[/b] tax liabilities and end of life decision making powers, and all that sort of stuff--the truly civil actions [/quote] This is the sort of thing that troubles me most. I know this couple who've been together forever and 6 days and one is suffering with early onset alzhiemers..has for several years now and clearly he's in decline. The other not only has to suffer what Nancy Regan called "The Long Goodbye" (the only thing that woman ever said that made any sense btw) but the other had to go through hell to make sure all "paper work" was in order. If you're committed you're committed. Why should it be any different for a homosexual couple than it is for a heterosexual couple? Makes no sense. [quote] [b]twItch^ said:[/b] I should be allowed to marry a goat if I so desire. [/quote] One way to get kids. ~rimshot~ :D ___________________________________________________________________________ ?Privatize the Profits - Socialize the Losses.? Randi Rhodes
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