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Bread Making
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Actually Suho, this thread has been inspired to a large extent by your good self. I read your article [url=http://www.liminality.org/archives/173/] Bread and Running[/url] and it inspired me. As for the Imperial or Metric preferences well, I've pondered on this and I think I may have a slight tendency to be a cantankerous Tao with a little dollop of orneriness's. Numbers do not come easy with me, they seldom add up without a struggle. So after years of tortuous learning the Imperial system by rote, I point blank refuse to clutter my mind with another system. I feel as if the Imperial way is more "organic" but probably what's happening is my mind is used to juggling these numbers. I think a yard is much more handsome than a metre, and who can deny the musicality of a [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bushel] Bushel[/url] and a [url=http://www.askoxford.com/results/?view=searchresults&freesearch=Bushel&branch=&textsearchtype=exact[/url] Peck? I think this aversion to replacing a perfectly good system with a "new improved" method started when I was a young lad who having spent years learning the whole Mass in Latin had to relearn it in a rather prosaic English. The Mass was never the same again for me and my faith was severely damaged. As for measurements in cooking I like to get the numbers but I don't stick with them. I use my eyes, nose and touch to help guide the process. I know you must do this too to some extent. Actually the more I study physics the more I realise that there is really no such thing as a absolute number. By this I mean there is no exact pound in weight or gramme. There is no such thing as an exact day or year. It is all relative. I think the actual gramme weight is kept under guard in a vault in France or Belgium. Aaaaaanwayyyyyy. I want to write more but I'll have to do that later as I'm off to bake bread. This time I'm going to take pictures (also inspired by Master Suho) [img]http://www.digitao.co.uk/sigs/snowslimie.gif[/img]
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