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Bread Making
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Thanks for the recipe Suho I shall keep that on file and use in the near future as I'll need to find a good source for some of the ingredients namely: Rolled oats: Rye flour: Buckwheat flour: Wheat germ (toasted): Flax seed (crushed): Vital wheat gluten: I know there must be some shops out there that sell these ingredients I just don't know of any near me. Still, this is all part of the journey, healthy living and a healthy diet will require some planning. Once I've got a reliable source or two I can see myself baking like a man possessed. On another note I'm delighted to find that the proposed plans of the EU to "enforce metrication" by 2009 in the UK have been thwarted [i](what a lovely looking word)[/i]. [url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6637587.stm] Group claims EU imperial victory[/url] I'm not one of the mentioned "Metric Martyrs", nor do I belong to any kind of group campaigning for the Imperial way to be re-established in schools. It's just my personal preference, my neural networks have been formed around the Imperial measurements and I intend to keep it that way. :D [img]http://www.tao.serveit.org/sigs/glasstao.gif[/img]
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