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Bread Making
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Yup, it's magic like. =) You may be wise to start with one of the basic recommended recipes but yes you simply add the ingredients and walk away. Depending on the type of bread you'll be eating it in about an hour. The bread does end up with a bit of a gash from the paddle but a loaf or two and you'll have learnt how to minimalize the damage. A friend uses the machine soley for the kneeding & proofing/rising prefering the results of an oven bake. Here's someone else who prefers the oven. http://blog.masslive.com/valleyvictuals/2008/03/bread_machines_what_are_they_g.html She who must be obeyed is home today, we are in fact sort of snowed in, so I will ask ever so kindly, if she can post up the recipe I mentioned. It does I think fall into the category of soda bread. Hovis, that little heavy brick , is probably my most favorite of breads but it's a pretty scarce commodity, in fact I've not been able to find it in years. Toasted crispy-like...almost burnt ....buttered, slathered in real maple syrup .Oh my! ___________________________________________________________________________ ?Privatize the Profits - Socialize the Losses.? Randi Rhodes
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