OZONE Asylum
Bread Making
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From Caroline. Note the bit at the end about going green. Monastery Bread makes 2 loaves Ingredients: 2 cups white flour 4 cups whole wheat flour of 12 grain flour 2 handfuls each of the following --sesame seeds --sunflower seeds --pumpkin seeds --slivered almonds 4 tbsp. wheat bran 2 tbsp. brown sugar 2 tsp salt 2 tsp baking soda 4 cups buttermilk Method: Heat oven to 350F Grease and flour 2 bread pans (smaller narrow ones if possible) Mine are 12? x 3 ½? Mix all dry ingredients together, add the buttermilk, and stir well. Mixture will be thick. Spoon into bread pans Bake at 350F for 55 minutes. You can add any combination of nuts and seeds you like. Don?t be fooled into thinking your loaf has gone off?the pumpkin seeds will turn a very bright blue/green the day after being baked. Enjoy!! AS for the Hovis. I picked up a loaf a few years ago but it was all wrong to begin with. It was just like a regular big fluffy loaf of whatever.If it's not the little brick loaf... then what's the point. =) ___________________________________________________________________________ ?Privatize the Profits - Socialize the Losses.? Randi Rhodes
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