OZONE Asylum
Bread Making
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Yep, same with our machine. Pour ingredients in (wet stuff on bottom, dry stuff on top, it does make a difference), hit the magic combination of the three buttons (or however many it has) to select the type of work you want (quick bread, basic, dough only, etc, etc... I think ours has 8 'functions') and then the crust (light, medium, or dark), and maybe a delay for it to start. Then leave and come back in a hour or two when it beeps, turn the bucket over, let the loaf cool for a bit, and chow down :) There will be a hole/notch in the bottom where the paddle is, but it's much smaller than you might think (it doesn't move while it's baking, so the bread just fills in around it). I'd like to start using it just to get dough ready, then bake it in the oven as NoJive mentioned, but I haven't tried yet. I'd like to get a good rye recipe figured out first :p If yours has the little window at the top, it's really pretty neat watching the paddle beat the dough around when you would normally be kneading it. Also, as NoJive said, there should be a list of recommended recipes with the book that came with it, and I'd suggest starting with one of the basic ones there to get a feel for the machine. I think after the first loaf you do in the machine, you'll see why I was hesitant above to say we were "making bread" with it :p [edit: well pffft, there were already posts on the 2nd page here that I didn't even see :p How is the magic bread machine working out for you so far Tao? -- Any sufficiently advanced bug is indistinguishable from a feature. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/2268]Lord_Fukutoku[/url] on 12-22-2008 22:14)[/small]
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