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Bread Making
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this..... exactly why i love this place. I have been learning of bread making this past fall. One of my friends started out making it by hand. I got excited, ate his bread, then helped him make a bread that resembled cake. I was hooked. I am not the reverent type. I make it by hand. I make it by bread maker. I love it. Tao, i understand your skepticism. However if the ingredients are layered correctly in the bread maker, it can sit for hours before it starts to make bread. I regularly set mine up at night time with a honey oat mix to be done 8 hours later. On a cold morning there is nothing better than waking up to fresh baked bread and the house smelling all warm and yummy. my mouth is watering. Yes, yes, aesthetically, it is not a pretty loaf of bread. The bottom has a gouge it in, as does the side of the loafs, and they resemble squarish mushrooms, but hey. Its fresh bread. And all I had to do was put the water in first and the yeast in last. Also, there is no need for a specific bread making flower. all purpose works just fine. And the chemicals... man, i know they ain't the best for the body, but dang. Chemicals are good. I have been using "better for bread" flower as a base flower so far, but yah. I kinda like the chemicals. On the other hand, 2 days ago I made a loaf of white bread (no chemicals) with poppy seed, flax seed, and toasted sesame seeds. I think the mix was around 3 cups of flower and a little less than a quarter cup of each of the seeds. It was dang good. No bread maker involved. home made bread butter and say a 1554 for dinner? I am not sure college life is supposed to be this good. [url=http://cerebralboy.com/pears][img]http://cerebralboy.com/pears/pears/ryu.gif[/img][/url]
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