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[quote] [b]countryboy said:[/b] I do not believe that I said or implied that "graham flour is necessarily more healthy than whole wheat flour" but rather that it is different from the regular whole wheat flour. [/quote] Sorry, I didn't mean to step on any toes, but you did say that... [quote] [b]countryboy said:[/b] Graham flour, I've read, is a little bit healthier than regular whole wheat [/quote] Or, at least, it was part of your post. I wasn't sure whether this was something you were saying or whether you got it straight from the website. I didn't know that graham flour was more easily digestible by people with IBS, which is reason enough to use it in your case. I was just saying that it's not necessarily [i]healthier[/i]. But it's all good. I'm not trying to be a nit-picky jerk here. If I ever do get my hands on some graham flour, I certainly want to give that recipe a try. :) [img]http://www.liminality.org/asylum/sigs/quickie.gif[/img] ___________________________ Suho: [url=http://www.liminality.org]www.liminality.org[/url] | [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/4837]Cell 270[/url] | [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/5689]Sig Rotator[/url] | [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/22173]the Fellowship of Sup[/url] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/2031]Suho1004[/url] on 01-06-2009 05:04)[/small]
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