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Canadian Politics. Big&DULL EH?
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No not Melissa. Sorry 'bout that. =) This should get you started. http://www.cbc.ca/news/ Our Conservative PM, generally considered a political mastermind has pretty much manouverred himself and his Minority government right off a very steep cliff and onto the benches of the opposition. 3 opposition parties have cobbled together a formal coalition of sorts and for the first time in nearly 100 years the Governor-General is actually going to have to reach past her impressive collecion of rubber stamps and make a decision on something of a critical nature. We could end up with a new PM without an election. Wouldn't bother me that much. Regardless tho' if you're anything of a political junky it doesn't get much bettter than this. It's just non-stop with the PM taking to TV tonite to tell us what's going on. Proregation is the likely outcome Steven Harper (PM) generally ascribes to the US republican style of politics that you just don't defeat your opponents you kill 'em, all the while sporting a sleazy smile and a sickly sweet voice. He reminds me of Jerry Falwell. Just slimmer. Just hope he's past the crybaby stage. Past few days he's been crying and whining like you wouldn't believe. I just fucking hate it when they do that. =) But don't worry about Canada. Why? Because we are TOO BIG TO FAIL !! =) My knee-jerk -ill -concieved -poorly -thought out- foul mouthed- blog can be found at sookesoapbox dot com. ___________________________________________________________________________ ?Privatize the Profits - Socialize the Losses.? Randi Rhodes
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