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Paradigm shift in global gay rights
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Don't really have anything to add here other than to state that I fully support equal rights for humans, without exception. I also want to applaud WebShaman's comment: [quote]When making (or changing) laws, one should go along with the best possible reason(s), the one(s) that is best supported and accurate. In this case, that is that Homosexuality is natural in Humans, and thus, should be treated exactly and equally as Heterosexuality under the Law. Religion (belief) should not (and cannot) be a basis here for deciding this. There are protections in the Constitution regarding exactly this.[/quote] [b]:clap:[/b] this is basically everything that should be needed in this thread. Basically every counterargument has some sort of foundation in organized religion, thus to me they are null and void. I can't help to wonder if this ever had become an issue at all if people would stick to personal beliefs in the true sense, ergo [b]"keep it personal"[/b] rather than relying on organized religion to provide answers. Personally I'm very sad that people can't respect that someone wants to be able to freely and openly formalize their choice of companion in life. The fact that humans walk in fear everyday in different countries instead of being able to publicly display affection for the person they love since religion does everything from deny them rights to condemn them, to outright kill them is tragic beyond belief. It's such a pathetic behaviour to place your own personal beliefs above another humans feelings and the rights that should be selfevident to all in the best of worlds. Personally I wouldn't label myself as gay, bi or hetero to be very honest. Sure I live with the mother of my children since 20 years (no we are not married, nor have we baptized our children, that's their choice as they grow up), but at heart I can safely say that I love an individual for who they are. I don't love the gender per se. I'm actively not confessed to any religion of any kind, nor am I a true atheist. If anything I'm probably gnostic, I can absolutely see a scenario where one believes in god but not in religion. I don't ridicule a personal belief in god, allah or what it may be, I fully respect and value indiviuals personal beliefs and the right to express them. To use those personal beliefs to force others to act accordingly to them by leaning on a religion created by man for control purposes is a completly different thing! I actually deeply resent religion since it is nothing more than a tool to control masses of people through virtually blind obediance, thus removing free will and providing perfect excuses for not taking a personal responsability for your actions. If there at one point in time was a basic intention of good in organized religion, it sadly dissapeared as soon as humans got introduced to it. If I where god I would have shaken my head over how my intentions was misused by human religion and walked away a long long time ago. After all, according to the bible it's been about 2k years since god last made an impact through physical appearance... I'd say that says something... Respectfully. (and yes, I spell god etc without a capital G intentionally) /Dan */ I'm a ginio.....genios......genu......smart person! /* [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/FaqWiki/shownode.php?sortby=rating&id=260]{cell 260}[/url] I have no site due to no free time. :( -{ Sleep: A common physical disorder that manifests itself as the level of blood in the caffeine circulation exeeds 20% }- [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/582]DmS[/url] on 08-14-2009 18:05)[/small]
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