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Paradigm shift in global gay rights
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Btw, jade. Don't think I'm unaware of the inner workings of a church/priesthood/the bible etc. I was raised in a family of priests where prayers, sermons etc was a daily part of our life. I've studied the bible and has had long discussion with my grandfather (priest) and uncle who also works in the church. My stance is based on knowledge, not just an opinion. I have no problems what so ever with theological discussions when mutual respect is applied. However, I'm sad to say that your arguments have the same tonality as any islamic fundamentalist who resort to suicidebombings as argumentation. Quite simply, fundamentalists scares me, be it NRA, christians, islamists etc. They always find an excuse or a reason in their religion. There is nothing good in the way humans use religion today, period. A personal belief in god on the other hand, I'm positive can bring happiness and peace to an individuals life. Should you take your beliefs and use them to actually stand by people in need and help them through hard times in life I applaud you! If you use your personal belief to deny people rights under cover of "saving them on the name of religion", then I'm placing you in the same category as you place islamic fundamentalits. /Dan */ I'm a ginio.....genios......genu......smart person! /* [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/FaqWiki/shownode.php?sortby=rating&id=260]{cell 260}[/url] I have no site due to no free time. :( -{ Sleep: A common physical disorder that manifests itself as the level of blood in the caffeine circulation exeeds 20% }-
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