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Philosophy and other Silliness
Paradigm shift in global gay rights
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tsk... tsk...no..english is my first language...thought you had better insight DL...In fact..I can speak english, fluent spanish, some french and latin...How many languages can you speak DL? OR can you only communicate in one language? I must admit I am a bad speller...but I am sure my point gets accross. [b] [b]This is not about anything to do really with her religion - it is about hate, it is about fear, it is about intolerance.[/b][/b] When all else fails...Webshaman uses the "hate card, the fear card and the intolerance card". I was waiting for those exact words to come from his post as he doesn't dissapoint. He believes its quite effective, but posters really know..I am not a hater...I am lover....so this/his view doesn't really doesn't penetrate....All Christians don't hate...they love...its just that those that hate Christ think that those who do love Christ don't know what they are talking about. This view they have of Christians, qualifes them to speak a notch above them since they, the athiest feel they are esteemed in intelligence, hoovering over us, the lost and misguided God loving feeble minded. Regardless,....... we all believe the opposite, that they who oppose Christ are the ones who are really blinded by the disgrace and defilement in homosexuality upon the nature of God. Its rampant unholy animalistic nature with no thought to perserve the soul. It serves no purpose but to lie ..and many of you are hooked on the lie but you were all easy targets. The master of lies fished you in easy and didn't even have to throw the bait far. You were swimming in shallow water.
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