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[quote] [b]jade said:[/b] I am only fluent in english. But being able to communicate in one language seems much better than not being able to communicate in several...I guess I come acaross in different ways to different posters..Other formus I am involved in dont perpetually give me this info...they all like me and look for me......Plus, from what I hear,,others think your .........well......you know.......Its a mattter of opinion on what spews from that head of yours DL and Webshaman too for that matter...I see no growth in you since I have incepted on this forum..Your not progressing.. still immersed in still waters....like being stuck in the mud...what an interesting lives you must have..... just the same old rant...."that your smarter than most".....or "your not directly anserwing my quesions,..therefore your wrong"...(yawns)...Are there no posters out there that can bring some life to this forum like in the old days???.....new baby posters???(Edited by jade on 08-17-2009 23:52) [/quote] Does this babble have a point? And what, for the life of me, does some other forums have to do with this one? As for the feedback that you receive from other forums, I cannot respond to (nor do I wish to). I can say that the feedback that you are getting here is about the soundest that I have ever witnessed. Of course, you don't wish to see it like that, or you would have to admit error, and would have to reconciliate your position, and actually learn something. You know, change? Expand your mind, horizons, that sort of thing? We have all been patiently waiting for you, you know. Others have gone through this before - like Ramasax, for example. Or Gideon (though not so sure what he changed into is something better, but at least it is not a Young Earther mentality anymore). It is pretty interesting that you seem to be unable (and unwilling, for that matter) to recognize your failings and attempt to do something about them. Many here (including myself) have had their selves held up for self inspection, and have not always liked what they have been shown. Some bit the bullet and recognized the great value of this, and responded to it positively. Others less so. Some, like you, have not only ignored it, but have even gone so far as to turn combative and vindictive against those who have patiently been helping, all along. Why do you think you always get into fights with members on this board? Think about it. [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/397/]WebShaman[/url] | [i]The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities. - Sophocles[/i]
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