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[quote] [b]DavidJCobb said:[/b] We do not attack you for your religious beliefs.You believe in God. We couldn't care less.You believe in the Bible. We couldn't care less.You believe in the Lord's infallibility. We couldn't care less.But then we get to your moral beliefs. And that's where the problems begin.You believe that it is right to patronize, insult, and condemn those whose beliefs differ from your own. You hide under your religion, dragging it through the mud, mangling its teachings and morphing its sanctions to suit your own bigotry. You take the word of your Lord and you twist and break it, adapting it to your disgust and your damaged morals. You cower behind your God, using Him as a shield, a position of safety from which you can launch your assault on equality and humanity.You believe that a thin veil of false sincerity and kindness can hide your malice and loathing. Maybe you can hide your darker side from yourself, but others can see it clearly, see it clearly and know that you are not as good a person as you think you are. Your words, your "beliefs", are nothing more than denial, your denial of your own true nature. You're a paradox, talking about "helping" those who have "sinned", but at the same time condemning them as filthy, subhuman, animalistic heretics!You believe that the human mind has no worth, and that rather than using their own intelligence and logic, people should blindly accept ancient words as infallible truths. Indeed, you have condemned intellectual and moral self-determination -- that is, you loathe those who use their minds to determine their morals. The ironic thing is that if there is a God, then the mind is a God-given gift, and yet you damn it, blame it, suppress it with dubious rhetoric and an ersatz spiritual philantrophy.And your "huge family of Christian believers", that you "have promied to defend"? What are you defending them from? Logic? Reason? Intelligence? Morality? Are these "crimes" dangerous to you? Do you fear us heretics? Or are you just trying to gain sympathy by pretending that everyone is out to get you? Are you deluded or manipulative?---------------------- [/quote] QFT! The sad part is that Jade will never realize this in her. She will just consider this another "attack" on her person, beliefs, etc. That pointed out, it needed saying. She needs to at least be made aware of her failings - even if she does not accept them. For then she has no excuses for her behavior. She will never be able to say "no-one told me!" because she was informed here, at the Ozone Asylum. Jade, I hope you do decide to take the tenants of your faith seriously, and atone for your sins. Though I do not believe in the tenants of your faith, I can still hold you accountable to them, since you profess to believe in them (and you pontificate on how important and precious your belief is to you). You see, you have every right to [quote]I belong to a huge family of Christian believers that has been around for centuries that I have promised to defend, help and be true to. I am proud to be apart of this family. I will remain true to this family till death and give it every inch of my heart.[/quote] And nobody here is trying to deny you of this - on the contrary, everyone here that I am aware of accepts this of you. Many here may not agree with what you believe, but I do not think that any here are opposed to you being able to believe what you wish to. The main problem is that you attempt to force your beliefs on others. That crosses a very deciding line between personal belief, and becoming an active extremist who is willing to do anything and justify it in the name of god. The tenants of your faith (handed down from your god, according to the beliefs that you follow) is against just this. It is against hatred, persecution, loathing, and condemning. "Love thy neighbor" and all that. So why are you going against this? Why are you going against the tenants of your faith? Why do you insist on persecuting others in the name of your god? Can't you see just how wrong you are? Let me give you an example, coming from the Catholic Church. Way back when, the Catholic Church determined that my folk did not have souls. Therefore, it was acceptable to erradicate them, for they were no better than animals. This was done and sanctioned by the Catholic Church. It took over a hundred years for the Catholic Church to recant it's false ways (when it was finally decided that the American Natives did indeed have souls). Of course, that was much to late for the untold millions who were put to death. Well, you are doing the same thing here - you are condeming Homosexuals. Worse, you support their continued persecution as if such were a mandate from your religion, from your god. Obviously you do not know enough of the book that you purport to cherish. I suggest you bone up on some of the more important parts...starting with "love thy neighbor". [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/397/]WebShaman[/url] | [i]The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities. - Sophocles[/i]
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