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Paradigm shift in global gay rights
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[quote]It does not mean God sanctioned it...[/quote] So what [i]does[/i] God sanction, Jade? Are you the One who knows what is truth and what is not? Are you the second coming, Jade, or do you only trust the word of the current 'god on earth' leader of your faith because he's not the same evil shit who declared an entire race to be soulless, or gave his moral support to the Holocaust, or perhaps sanctioned the deliberate cover-up of paedophilia (paying off parents and quietly moving paedophiles to equally responsible posts elsewhere)? How does the word as you see it tally with the tenets of your faith, and how do you know when they stop being the true word of an infallible God and become the stark-raving lunacy of a fanatical 'bad person'? How do you transmute the biblical call to murder all homosexuals (or any man that has sex with a woman the wrong way round, apparently) to simply denying them their human rights? Think about it for a moment. As a true Catholic, I do hope you've only ever had sex for the purpose of procreation with your husband, and in the one and only agreeable position for such an act, because according to the very same rantings that declare God's abhorrence for homosexuality, you are otherwise likewise condemned and categorised as unfit for life. Your fate, however one wishes to interpret the words, must be the same fate that your belief system demands for homosexuals if you have ever so much as enjoyed the act of sex inappropriately. Or is that a 'people who do bad in the name of religion' perspective on it? Does your interpretation differ enough that the 'good people' agree you're right in condemning homosexuality while perhaps enjoying the odd knee-trembler or doggy-style romp with relative impunity..? ...of course, none of my argument has the intended impact if you're such a devout Catholic that you are either interred within the mental ward that is a Catholic Nunnery, are a faithful virgin yet to marry, or have been a terribly unfulfilled/unfulfilling bed partner to your husband. In any or all of these cases, no argument could possibly suffice where a sad sigh and sympathetic shake of the head would be most appropriate. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/4663]White Hawk[/url] on 08-20-2009 00:54)[/small]
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