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[quote]No. just posting..not harming..how am I an extemist.? I am not blowing up buildings or killing. I am using innocent fingers to type. I think you have irrationalized this. Are you OK?? I have been on this forum for about 6 years ....have I forced you to do anything. Christians just tell, witness and pray...[/quote] Except that this is a lie, and you know it. You actively support measures that persecute Homsexuals, for example. You actively support measures against Abortion. Etc, etc, etc. [quote] quote:And nobody here is trying to deny you of this - on the contrary, everyone here that I am aware of accepts this of you. Many here may not agree with what you believe, but I do not think that any here are opposed to you being able to believe what you wish to. This is not true...99.5% oppose what I stand for. Loook in the mirror...werent' you the one who called me ignorant, cruel, hateful.. [/quote] Regardless of whether or not someone holds you accountable for your words, noone here has been opposed to you being able to believe whatever it is you wish to. It is when you force your beliefs (or attempt to) on others that they object, Jade. Or when you blurt out things that make no sense. Don't be surprised when someone points out your mistakes. What I may (or may not) think of your behavior is irrelevant to the point - I am not trying to force my beliefs on you. I am expressing my opinions (and some that are actually factual, based on your rhetoric) towards your rhetoric. You do understand the difference here, right? I mean, most people would. Again, reading comprehension skills are in order here. Though I know that you can read quite well - this is trolling behavior from you. You have demonstrated this type of behavior before, in the past - purposely "misunderstanding" stuff, so that you would have inane "excuses" to post your rubbish answers in reply (because you do not really have any real answers). You have even admitted to doing so. [quote]quote:Well, you are doing the same thing here - you are condeming Homosexuals. Worse, you support their continued persecution as if such were a mandate from your religion, from your god. Your putting words aligned to me but are not mine. "Who is comdeming. Not agreeing and condemning are way different regarding how I feel. I think its wrong..so what...you don't agree..that is not new news...[/quote] This would be correct, except that you are supporting persecuting others, which is not just disagreement here. By persecuting others, you are condemning them and you are willing to deny them equal rights in the process. [quote]I am exactly loving my neigbors..by letting them know what they are doing is offending God...What you see as love and what I see as love are very different...We disagree on what love mean evidently. I am bound by faith do to what I have to...even if you don't like it or see it.[/quote] It is not your place to "inform" (ha, what a joke! You are not informing them, you are CONDEMNING them!) others of what you believe is offensive to your god. It is not your responsibility. In fact, you are INTRUDING upon the freedoms of others by doing this. The tenants of your religion are very adamant about this sort of stuff here. It is [b]soley the place of your god[/b] to pass judgement, not yours Jade. Since you have sinned (and you do not even realize that you are breaking one of the core tenants of your faith), I would suggest you seek spiritual counciling. You are not loving anyone but you and yourself. You are guilty of the "I am better than thou" sin here. You are soley and alone responsible only for yourself. The tenants of your faith are directed directly at you, and do not include others here. It is you, and you alone, that are supposed to follow them! It is not your responsibility to make sure that others are doing the same, and it is not your responsibility or place to try to make them knowledgable of this, unless this is requested of you by them, themselves. You are basically doing this in order to make yourself feel better. You put yourself in a higher position, by making sure others are aware of how "good" you are, how faithful, how perfectly in tune with the tenants of your faith at the same time putting others down that are not. In doing so, you expose what you truly are - a hateful, spiteful, person with low self confidence. That is not love, Jade. If you truly loved your neighbors, you would accept them as they are, love them for who and what they are, and pray privately for them. You would help them out when they needed help (asked for it), but that is where it ends. And you would stop persecuting them and grant them graciously the same rights that you enjoy, for one who truly loves wishes such for those they love. If you think it is love trying to help others that do not want your help, then keep in mind that this is what "trying to force your beliefs on others" means. It means that you are trying to help others who do not wish or want your help. You are in fact not helping at all, but making things worse. This is why the tenants of your faith can only apply to yourself, should only be important in relation to yourself, and no other. It is supposed to be a personal relationship with christ and god, not a witch hunt, not an inquisition, Jade. Only you, and christ and god. All the others, they are responsible for themselves and their own actions, and according to your faith, your god will pass judgement over them. And only your god is empowered to do this. You are not, according to the tenants of your faith. In doing so, you sin. It is actually kind of interesting how it is possible for me to hold you accountable to the tenants of the faith that you follow, and I am exempt from them (because I do not follow them or believe in them). Normally, one that follows tenants of a faith would be grateful for the help, eh? Oh wait...that is not very loving, is it? It doesn't feel very nice, does it? Perhaps you might want to think on that. [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/397/]WebShaman[/url] | [i]The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities. - Sophocles[/i] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/925]WebShaman[/url] on 08-21-2009 14:47)[/small]
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