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[quote] [b]Tao said:[/b] Jade I have many, very good friends, who are Roman Catholics (which, I think, is your flavour of belief) That includes a few priests and a Bishop. I only mention this to assure you and others, that I do not hate religious people. [/quote] And, of course, this is generally true of atheists and other non-christians... One of the many many many huge misconceptions about us evil atheists is that we sit around hating anyone who is religious, and shun them, and - of course - "persecute" them... The majority of my friends are religious in one way or another, mostly christian, and some rather devoutly so. I am well aware of their religious beliefs, because the vast majority of religious people make it exceptionally apparent. On the other hand, many of them do not realize that I am an atheist, because I don't feel the need to shove it in people's faces. I also tire of the persecution that atheists DO endure by the devoutly religious, and tire of having to explain that I don't eat babies and worship satan... I am friends with ministers, faith healers, wiccans, buddhists, catholics, jews, people of native american spiritual beliefs (the narraganset, mohegan, and pequot tribes are rather prevalent here), and plenty more. It's no big deal to us atheists... until the religious jump all over us and tell us how wrong we are, tell us what are beliefs actually are (?!), tell us we are evil, that we are going to hell...that we shouldn't be allowed to have children, that we are not citizens, etc. Which they do constantly. While shouting and crying about how they are being persecuted....?! ~sigh~ anyway... carry on.
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