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Paradigm shift in global gay rights
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Though I cannot personally speak for DL, I do not think that he discriminates against you, Jade, because you "do not agree" with his view (whatever that might be). I personally don't think he discriminates against you at all. Instead, I rather suspect that he disagrees with what you post, because it is almost never backed up by anything remotely resembling evidence, nor are most of your posts rational. It is where I mostly disagree with what you post, because it rarely makes any sense at all, and doesn't seem to be founded on any rational basis. You seem to believe (at least, you give that impression and post to such) that belief in and of itself is enough evidence to support a position. And although I believe that you really do think that this is a "truth" and therefore evidence in and of itself, it is not. It is not how one goes about supporting a particular view or position. It is true for you, soley for you. That is why it is referred to as belief - because one believes in it. Note that this does not just apply to religion here, or Faith (though faith in something is very similar). The [b]REASON(S)[/b] that someone believes in something is what is used to determine the validity of it to others (not meaning that it necessarily needs to be, but if one wishes others to understand the reason(s) behind the belief, then it is important to include and state them). Now, let us consider some who have views (or perhaps positions is a better choice) that are closer to your own - Bugs and Master Suho. I think you will find that most of us here, although we may disagree with certain parts of their views, certainly do not "discriminate" or somesuch because we do not agree with their views of positions (and to be honest, I haven't seen much discrimination here in the Asylum at all). So why do you think that is? If you examine how both Bugs and Master Suho support their views and positions, then it should become clear to you. As for your "assertions" that DL has avoided your questions - to a certain extent, I believe that is correct. I know that I tend to do this now, as well. It is because past experiences have taught us the futility in trying to educate you with responses to your questions. Ram your head enough times against the wall, and one learns not to do it anymore. [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/397/]WebShaman[/url] | [i]The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities. - Sophocles[/i]
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