OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
Paradigm shift in global gay rights
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[quote] [b]jade said:[/b] still waiting for each of my questions to be answered.. [/quote] :rolleyes: If you would ask questions that weren't completely nonsensical, I might be able to Jade. I won't waste my time on questions that have been answered over and over and over, or ones that are obvious trolling. The issue of genetics and homosexuality is pretty well explored scientifically at this point, and there is a lot of evidence to support homosexuality having a genetic basis. There is a lot more to being a homosexual than what you do with your sexual organs, you know... There is plenty of information to be found online with just the smallest bit of effort. I am certainly not going to attempt to explain it all, and I am not going to respond to childish demands that I offer some sort of absolute indisputable proof to refute your completely uninformed opinions, Jade. You want me to "prove" that gays deserve equal rights, when you cannot offer any reason that they should not... I don't think it needs to be proven that a human being deserves to be treated as such. [quote] [b]jade said:[/b] Black persons I have talked to here at work take offense when you compare slavery to discrimination of gays. They do not see it the same way [/quote] I did not, in any way, compare slavery to discrimination against homosexuals. I very clearly pointed out, in and preceding the text of mine that you quoted, that nobody was drawing a correlation between slavery and discrimination as it exists today. This is another prime example of why I view you as little more than a troll.
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